26 produits trouvés
cette histoire bilingue suit aurélien dans sa découverte d'une langue étrangère et initie ses lecteurs aux premières phrases d'anglais.
Sur le même principe que «La maîtresse dit hello» Kris mélange allègrement les deux langues ce qui permet à tous de réviser ou apprendre de nouveaux mots d'anglais. Cette fois, c'est la cousine
américaine d'Aurélien qui vient lui rendre visite. Aurélien se met en quatre pour accueillir cette cousine lointaine. En plus depuis qu'il apprend l'anglais, voilà une bonne occasion de jouer l'interprète.
Cette histoire bilingue introduit les mots de la maison et de la famille en anglais à travers les jeux de deux cousins réunis pour les vacances.
Grand format 12.00 €Indisponible
Must eat NYC ; an eclectic selection of culinary locations
Luc Hoornaert, Kris Vlegels
- Lannoo
- 7 Octobre 2014
- 9789401419147
Une sélection sans concession de restaurants new-yorkais, où un « Must eat » est chaque fois proposé. Plus de 100 adresses recommandées par le foody Luc Hoornaert.
Peintre, dessinateur mais surtout sculpteur, Kris Kuksi possède plus d'une corde à son arc de talents. L'artiste Américain, dont les sculptures impressionnent par la complexité de l'assemblage, tente à travers ses créations d'éveiller un niveau de conscience nouveau chez le spectateur. Il estime en effet le monde d'aujourd'hui fragilisé par la cupidité et le matérialisme, et souhaite exposer les erreurs de l'Homme par ce biais artistique. Un travail d'orfèvre, soigné à la précision chirurgicale.
Nick Bril bundled in 33 recipes, thoughts, projects and inspiring trips. A unique look into the soul and life of a top chef and a passionate entrepreneur. A book that reflects Nick Bril's passion, drive and perfectionism. Nick Bril is a man who cannot be described in a few words. Chef of The Jane that in a few years' time shot at the top of gastronomic Belgium (2 Michelin stars), DJ in the underground deep house scene, inspirer of Tastes of the world, rock-'n-roll partner and father of two. Nick Bril 33 portrays a year in the life of this kitchen phenomenon. In his quest for new flavors, beats and experiences, Bril effortlessly interweaves fine dining, street food and comfort dishes.
De belgen verheffen hun stem : een analyse van het stemgedrag op 26 mei 2019
Jean-benoît Pilet, Pierre Baudewyns, Kris Deschouwer, Anna Kern, Jonas Lef
- Presses Universitaires de Louvain
- 15 Décembre 2020
- 9782390610151
In dit boek analyseren auteurs van verschillende universiteiten (ULB, VUB, KU Leuven, UCLouvain, en Universiteit Antwerpen) op basis van de verkiezingsenquête REPRESENT het stemgedrag en de politieke voorkeuren en attitudes van de Belgische burger. Bij de verkiezingen van 2019 verstuurde de kiezer een sterk politiek signaal. Een groot aantal kiezers koos ervoor om op radicale partijen te stemmen (Vlaams Belang, PTB-PVDA). Het succes van deze partijen schudde niet alleen het politieke landschap door elkaar, maar maakte van de regionale en vooral de federale regeringsvorming een steeds complexere puzzel. Deze plotse veranderingen zijn slechts één van de gevolgen van de stembusgang voor de federale, regionale en Europese verkiezingen van 26 mei 2019. In dit boek analyseren auteurs van verschillende universiteiten (ULB, VUB, KU Leuven, UCLouvain, en Universiteit Antwerpen) op basis van de verkiezingsenquête REPRESENT het stemgedrag en de politieke voorkeuren en attitudes van de Belgische burger. Deze analyses laten toe om meer inzicht te krijgen in de logica die achter deze verkiezingen schuilging, wat toelaat lessen te trekken om de werking van de Belgische democratie beter te begrijpen.
Must East Paris; An eclectic selection of culinary locations
Luc Hoornaert, Kris Vlegels
- Lannoo
- 21 Juin 2016
- 9789401434638
A perfect guide for those who want to become familiar with established values, new addresses and upcoming greatness.
More than 100 tips from the 'restaurant whisperer' Luc Hoornaert.
With beautiful characteristic photos by top photographer Kris Vlegels.
New title in the very successful Must Eat series.
As a genuine foodie, listomaniac Luc Hoornaert knows the culinary side of the City of Lights like the back of his hand. Together with photographer Kris Vlegels, he presents the greatest spots for tasting the best of the French and international kitchens that Paris has to offer. The locations continue to amaze. In spite of being multi-faceted, all the spots have several things in common: authenticity, devotion, genuine top ingredients and a no-nonsense approach.
Belgian patissier Bart Ardijns presents 15 successful classic desserts in a highly creative way. With a master's touch and the necessary dose of inventiveness he has also developed 20 original top desserts in a wide variety of tastes, textures, colours, ingredients and design! And for people with food allergies he has composed 5 allergen-free desserts with the utmost care.
With Bart's precise descriptions of the various basic recipes and techniques, both amateur pastrycooks and professional patissiers can set to work with pleasure and success.
Must Eat Amsterdam ; an eclectic selection of culinary locations
Luc Hoornaert, Kris Vlegels
- Lannoo
- 10 Octobre 2017
- 9789401447621
Amsterdam is more than just the Jordaan, the ring of canals and the red light district. Did you know that the capital city of the Netherlands has the largest number of different nationalities in the world? This melting pot is also reflected in its culinary arena, turning Amsterdam into a number one destination for foodies. Professional foodie and listomaniac Luc Hoornaert shows you his favourite spots for tasting the world in this cosmopolitan city.
Places that individually excel in what they offer, whether it's veal croquettes, ice cream or hot dogs. Places with a story and with people who are totally devoted to bringing out the best in their superb ingredients in order to enhance the essence of every dish. Places that even amaze culinary superstars. In short, an unconventional selection of in some cases bizarre, but always special and authentic restaurants and eateries where the focus is on the speciality of the house, the 'Must Eat'.
On 14 May 2019, two-star chef Bart De Pooter turned 51. He also celebrated the 25th anniversary of his top restaurant Pastorale in his native village Reet. In this book, this pioneer of the gastronomic vegetable menu, one of Pastorale's trademarks since the beginning, pays homage to the adventures and culinary discoveries that have shaped his culinary biotope over the years.
Illustrated with the mesmerizing photography of Kris Vlegels and larded with Bart's kitchen secrets, this book is indispensable for every lover of refined gastronomy. A true journey of discovery full of passion, technology and experiment.
Beautified China ; the architectural revolution of China
Kris Provoost
- Lannoo
- 17 Septembre 2019
- 9789401461696
The past decade, internationally renowned architects such as Zaha Hadid, Ole Scheeren, and Herzog & de Meuron have given their creativity and expertise free rein in China, where the sky is literally the limit, from construction techniques and use of materials to design.
Unimaginable forms that seemingly defy the laws of gravity come to life in the form of gigantic skyscrapers.
Beautified China presents a splendid overview of these revolutionary designs through the lens of photographer and architect Kris Provoost.
Tu as dans tes mains un cahier personnel pour travailler ton anglais.
Tu peux écrire et dessiner dedans... Tu peux chercher les réponses dans un des trois albums "Hello" ou dans un dictionnaire ou sur internet ou demander à ton chien... Il y a même les réponses à la fin pour corriger, mais ne triche pas ! C'est pas drôle ! A toi de jouer maintenant.
Which apples make the best soufflés? Which cherries are most suitable for cupcakes or macaroons? Do peaches go well with strawberry jam? Or do plums taste good with chocolate? And which fruit is most suited for deep-fried beignets? Master patissier Kris Goegebeur takes a close look at eight different types of fruit, offering a selection of best varieties and suggesting the best possible flavour combinations for cakes and desserts. And the results are now before you: a book that contains no fewer than 60 ultimate fruit dessert recipes. They are all surprising - and all absolutely delicious!
Wonders of imperial japan meiji art from the khalili collection
Schiermeier Kris
- Waanders
- 25 Janvier 2008
- 9789040082252
Catalogue de l'exposition au Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam en 2006, sur les trésors d'art japonais de la collection Khalili.
Robert Denbleyker, Kris Wilson, Matt Melvin
- Harper Collins Uk
- 23 Octobre 2010
- 9780007319619
If you're younger than 15 or older than 50, there is an 87% chance that something in this book will offend you.
Orphaned as an infant, Filamena Ziani grows up as the protected, much younger sister of Tullia Ziani, the most famous courtesan in sixteenth-century Venice, until a mysterious stranger offers her a gift (a single ripe plum) and an invitation to walk along the lover's path that will transform her life forever.
Grand format 18.90 €Indisponible
L'intérêt dans le contentieux des marchés publics / Het belang in geschillen inzake overheidsopdrachten
Kris Wauters, Eric Thibaut
- Larcier
- 5 Mars 2015
- 9782804469221
Un examen des aspects du contentieux des marchés publics liés à la question de l'intérêt.
Een onderzoek van de aspecten van de geschillen inzake overheidsopdrachten met betrekking tot de kwestie van het belang.
L'ouvrage a pour objet l'examen de certains aspects du contentieux des marchés publics liés à la question de l'intérêt. Dit boek onderzoekt een aantal aspecten van de geschillen inzake overheidsopdrachten met betrekking tot de kwestie van het belang. -
Chicken is one of the most popular ingredients in kitchens all over the world. You can find it in all cultures; it is extremely versatile and yet affordable. Luc Hoornaert and Kris Vlegels take you on a trip around the world in 60 chicken dishes: how do top chefs prepare chicken, what are the classic chicken dishes and which methods of preparation have a permanent place in world cuisine? From vol-au-vent and chicken soup to roast chicken and tandoori chicken, this book is a attractively designed reference work about chicken, with delicious photography by Kris Vlegels and a foreword by chicken artist Koen Vanmechelen.
Chicken came first, so now here is Egg. Universal and versatile, tasty and nutritious: eggs are indispensable in a whole range of recipes and they are found in all cultures. Author Luc Hoornaert went exploring and collected sixty irresistible egg dishes from all corners of the world: from China, Korea and Japan, through Turkey and Iran to the United Kingdom. He turned to some well-known Belgian and Dutch top chefs for the classic dishes, and cocktails have also been given a well-earned place in Egg. Food photographer Kris Vlegels provided the powerful photos in this beautifully illustrated, timeless cookery book.
Hi and bye ; the estonian pavilion ; 58th international art exhibition, la biennale di Venezia
Kris Lemsalu
- Mousse Publishing
- 3 Mars 2020
- 9788867493951
Publiée à l'occasion de son projet pour le pavillon estonien de la 58e biennale de Venise, cette monographie offre une vue d'ensemble de la pratique de l'artiste estionnienne, figure montante de l'art contemporain, reflétant le bricolage de références et de matériaux qui irrigue son personnage polymorphe, hybride, interrespèce, transgenre et punk.
Publié à l'occasion de l'exposition éponyme au Pavillon estonien, 58e Exposition internationale d'arts visuels - La Biennale di Venezia, du 11 mai au 24 novembre 2019.
Level 1: The Wrong Man Book and Multi-Rom with MP3 Pack
Kris Anderson
- Pearson Plc Global
- 9781292140513